Osteochondrosis is a disease that affects the intervertebral discs and leads to the development of reactive changes in paravertebral (paravertebral) structures. Under the influence of a number of factors, the fibrous ring loosens and the nucleus pulposus penetrates into it.
If it remains untreated at this stage, the pathological process ends with a breakthrough of the fibrous ring and a herniated disc occurs. This in turn begins to compress the spinal nerves or spinal cord itself, resulting in compression syndromes.
Characteristics and stages of development
A characteristic feature of osteochondrosis of the cervical segment is quite diverse symptoms, which include headaches and dizziness, instability of blood pressure, feeling of lack of air, numbness of the upper extremities, etc.
All this not only brings significant discomfort, but also complicates the diagnosis, since a person does not immediately turn to a neurologist, but visits a cardiologist, orthopedist or therapist. Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is prescribed taking into account two factors - physiological, which implies the natural aging of the body, and pathological - the presence of inflammatory or degenerative processes in the patient.
Physiological changes consist in the replacement of the nucleus pulposus with fibrous tissue, and clinical manifestations occur only when the nerve roots are irritated. Pathological changes are observed outside the cartilage and are inevitably accompanied by compression of nerve endings and blood vessels. Symptoms include pain in various places, crunching and clicking when turning the head, muscle weakness or numbness.
The neck area is the most mobile and experiences less stress compared to the thoracic and lumbar areas. In adults, they weigh no more than 115 kg, while the lower part of the spine can withstand pressure up to 400 kg. However, the cervical vertebrae differ in structure - they are narrower and higher, which makes them susceptible to various injuries and dislocations.
Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and its duration largely depend on the stage of the disease:
- at the initial stage of development, there are practically no pronounced symptoms, and only after heavy loads or as a result of a long stay in a static position, severe fatigue and discomfort in the neck muscles are felt;
- The second stage is characterized by a change in the configuration of the intervertebral discs - they begin to flatten and sag, causing instability of the spine. When moving, a pain syndrome occurs, which is caused by compression of the nerve roots due to a decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs;
- In the third stage, a protrusion forms, which precedes an intervertebral fracture. The nucleus pulposus gradually shifts and begins to protrude beyond the anatomical boundaries. Due to the pinching of nerve endings or the spinal cord, the pain syndrome extends not only to the neck area, but also to the entire collar area, as well as the upper limbs. Headaches and dizziness are caused by narrowing of blood vessels;
- The fourth stage of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is characterized by the destruction of intervertebral discs and the formation of bone growths - osteophytes. The pain becomes constant, movements are restricted, the muscles weaken to the point of atrophy. The symptoms become severe: loss of coordination is observed, visual and hearing acuity decrease. Curing cervical osteochondrosis is no longer possible at this stage and surgical methods are used.
Principles and methods of treatment
Therapy for osteochondrosis is always comprehensive and includes, in addition to medication, physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy and diet. Emergency medications for severe pain are analgesics. Drugs from the NSAID group are no less effective.
With the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, it is possible not only to relieve pain, but also to relieve swelling, improve blood circulation and eliminate inflammation of the nerve endings. To enhance the effect, you can use ointments and creams that act directly on the source of pain and are safer than tablets.
During the remission phase, warming and massaging ointments with bee venom and plant extracts are used. These medications help relieve muscle spasms, improve blood circulation, and replenish nutrients to inflamed tissue.
For effective treatment of osteochondrosis, drugs of several groups are prescribed:
- muscle relaxants;
- B vitamins;
- chondroprotectors;
- vasodilators (vasodilators);
- diuretics (diuretics);
- Means for improving blood circulation and the rheological properties of blood.
Normalization of blood circulation
Improving blood circulation is one of the most important tasks in the treatment of osteochondrosis. Taking vasodilators is necessary to activate microcirculation, expand the vascular lumen to physiological norms and dilute the blood. As a result, the brain receives nutrients and oxygen in the required quantities, which has a positive effect on its functioning.
To relieve the patient of painful symptoms such as dizziness and cramps, combinations of vasodilator medications with nootropics or antiplatelet drugs are used. Depending on the stage of the disease and the patient's condition, medications that improve blood circulation may be prescribed.
For more effective treatment, these drugs are combined with antiplatelet drugs, as well as nootropics. If the circulatory disorder is severe, the doctor may prescribe a short-term course of injections; After the acute symptoms have subsided, therapy is continued by oral administration of tablets.
Elimination of muscle spasms
Osteochondrosis is always accompanied by muscle tension where the source of the disease is. The mobility of the affected area is impaired and pain occurs. Skeletal muscle hypertonicity is usually considered a protective response to pain. To reduce muscle spasticity, muscle relaxants are prescribed.
When treating with muscle relaxants, their effect on psychomotor reactions and the ability to concentrate should be taken into account. This applies to patients whose professional activities require increased care, such as vehicle drivers.
Cartilage protective agents are used to restore and strengthen the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs. Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine with the help of these drugs is possible only in the early stages, since they have no effect in advanced cases.
In a healthy person, chondroitin is produced in sufficient quantities, which ensures complete hydration of the cartilage. If for some reason the synthesis of chondroitin is disrupted, the cartilage tissue loses moisture and becomes thinner.
Chondroprotectors contain chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine and hyaluronic acid in various combinations. When taken, the production of one's own chondroitin is activated, which makes the cartilage tissue denser and restores the mobility of the spine.
The latest generation of medications also contain other substances – vitamins and anti-inflammatory components.
In most cases, patients are prescribed chondroprotectors in tablet form, but sometimes intramuscular or intra-articular injections are required. Topical products can also be used, but these have the weakest effect.
It should be noted that the effect of chondroprotector therapy becomes noticeable only after a few months.
physical therapy
Is it possible to cure osteochondrosis of the cervical spine using physiotherapeutic methods? Unfortunately, it is not possible to completely eliminate the disease and physiotherapy only works in combination with drug treatment. The main goal of the procedures is to stimulate recovery processes in the body and eliminate pain.
The most effective methods are:
- electrophoresis, which allows medication to be delivered directly to the affected area;
- Ultrasonic;
- magnetic field therapy;
- darsonval;
- Laser.
The action of electrophoresis is based on the use of low-power currents supplied to special plates. There are tampons soaked in medication under the plates. Since the electrical conductivity of the skin is quite low, healing substances penetrate into the deeper layers and alleviate the patient's condition.
When electrophoresis is performed with an anesthetic, the pain syndrome is relieved, and the use of a vasodilator helps to increase blood circulation.

The result of magnetic therapy is improved blood circulation and a reduction in the manifestations of the inflammatory process – swelling and pain. Magnetic treatment can be carried out at home and in some cases can even partially replace taking medication. You need a special device for this.
A low-intensity laser with an infrared spectrum is used to treat back diseases. Laser beams penetrate deep into the tissue and act on the deformed area of the spine. As a result, metabolic processes in the cartilage tissue are activated, nerve endings are freed from compression and the normal function of muscle structures is restored.
Darsonval is a device with a targeted effect through a rapidly decreasing pulse current. During the procedure, alternating current is supplied to the body via a glass electrode with gas and promotes:
- increased blood flow;
- Reducing the pain threshold of sensitivity;
- improving the functioning of the nervous system;
- normalization of blood vessel tone;
- Strengthening the body's own defenses.
It is worth noting that Darsonval is used at any stage of osteochondrosis.
The healing power of massage
Therapeutic massage for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is undoubtedly the most pleasant, accessible and effective method of therapy. However, this should be entrusted to a qualified professional. You can massage the collar area while sitting or lying on your stomach. The main thing is that the patient feels comfortable and can relax.
The massage begins with stroking movements from the back of the head to the upper back. Stroking should also include the sides of the neck. With minimal effort, 10-12 strokes are performed so that the skin does not move relative to the muscles.
The longitudinal compression is done with the thumb and index finger, which grab the skin and, so to speak, squeeze it. The effect is limited to soft tissue; the vertebrae are not involved in the process. Squeezing is done very carefully, especially in the first few sessions. The movements are parallel to the spine, 5-6 times on each side.
The next technique is kneading. The muscles of the neck and upper shoulders are warmed with circular movements of the semi-flexed fingers, first along the spine and then along the sides of the neck. Since kneading affects the deep layers of tissue, it is carried out according to the patient's diagnosis so as not to aggravate the pathology.
Rubbing is necessary to increase blood circulation by warming the skin. The execution is carried out with the fingertips or sawing movements of the side surfaces of the palms.

Circular rubbing movements are also permitted. Rubbing begins from the upper part of the neck and gradually moves to the shoulder girdle, capturing the trapezius muscle. If the patient experiences pain or discomfort, efforts should be reduced.
The session ends with stroking movements; You can alternate these with gentle movements. Finally, vibration is applied. The total duration of a massage session is 25-30 minutes, the standard number of procedures is 10.
Orthopedic devices
To minimize the manifestations of osteochondrosis and enhance the effect of treatment, various orthopedic products are used. Particular attention should be paid to the position of the head and neck during sleep, since unpleasant symptoms are most felt during or after a night's sleep - headaches, increases in blood pressure, dizziness and discomfort in the shoulders.
All these manifestations indicate a circulatory disorder, and an orthopedic pillow will help correct the situation.
When choosing a product, you should consider the following parameters:
- The ideal shape for patients with osteochondrosis is rectangular. For short-term recovery, bolsters and square pillows can be used; sleeping on it is generally not recommended;
- the height must be at least 5 cm but not more than 10 cm;
- Width – slightly wider than the sleeper’s shoulders;
- Hardness – medium. Pillows that are too soft or hard are not suitable. In addition, orthopedic products are mainly manufactured in medium hardness.

Another useful device is a needle applicator that can be easily used at home. This device is a spiked mat made of elastic material that is placed in the collar area.
The massager should be placed on a small, narrow surface or pillow so that the bend in the neck is maintained and there is no excessively painful feeling. There are also roll-shaped models on sale, which are also suitable for the treatment of cervical chondrosis.
You can lie on a needle mat or roller for up to half an hour, but for the first sessions 5-7 minutes is enough. It is recommended to change posture or roll during use. The procedure is carried out once or several times a day.
Dietary nutrition is also an important part of comprehensive treatment. Since excess weight is often an obstacle to a speedy recovery, it is better to exclude processed foods and fast foods from the diet and reduce the consumption of salt and sweet soda.
The question "Can cervical osteochondrosis be cured" will be answered positively if the disease is detected early. With a competent approach to treatment and the patient's adherence to medical recommendations, you can achieve significant improvement even in old age and lead a full, comfortable life. Health!